Pontificia Università della Santa Croce
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The accommodation of those students that are priests, seminarians, members of institutes of consecrated life and members of societies of apostolic life, must be in conformity with the ecclesiastial regulations in force in Rome, and the accommodation must be known to the authorities of the University.

Diocesan candidates to holy orders, matriculated at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, can live at the International Ecclesiastical College Sedes Sapientiae erected by the Holy See. The University also has arrangements with a number of residences for diocesan priests.

Language courses
In the course of the academic year it will be possible for the students to follow English and Italian language courses at the Palazzo dell'Apollinare:
- Intensive Italian courses: are held in collaboration with the Società Dante Alighieri from September- October, everyday from Monday to Friday, from 9am to 12.30pm.
- Italian courses: the intensive Italian course continues in October and November with four afternoon-lessons a week.
- English courses: are held in collaboration with the "British School" from December to May. The courses consist of four afternoon-lessons a week, for a total of approximately 70 lessons.
Computer facilities
e-mail: the students have access to electronic mail; correspondence can be sent, received and printed both at the Palazzo dell'Apollinare and at the library. The service is subject to a minor fee.
- Computer lab: the palazzo dell'Apollinare is provided with a computer lab. This room is usually used for academic activities, but students can use the equipment for their personal work (word processing, printing, email, internet access, consultation of the library catalogue, etc.) This service, too, is subject to payment.
- Computer courses: will be held in the computer lab to teach the use of the equipment and of the most common software. The schedule of the courses will be published at the beginning of each semester in the academic secretariat.
- Consultation of library catalogues: the library catalogue of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, and those of the other libraries accessible on the URBE net, can be consulted both from the computer terminals at the library, in the reading-room at the Palazzo dell'Apollinare and via internet.
Student Advisory Office (UCS)
The student consultation office provides information in order to help the students solve the practical problems they may have in connection with their stay in Rome, such as health insurance, possibilities of scholarships, permit of stay, etc
Financial Grants
Qualified students in financially difficult conditions can apply for a partial or total exemption from the registration fee. This, however, only after having exhausted all other possibilities of help from the organisations that distribute economic aid to students of ecclesiastical faculties.

For United States students only: