Consciousness and Personal Identity.
Philosophical Perspectives and Neuroscience
XX Annual Conference
- Abstract summaries for proposed papers must be submitted to the Conference Office by January 31, 2012. The submission must be made exclusively through the user account.
- The Secretariat will inform you about the selection of your abstract.
- Each Communicator will have 15 minutes: 10 ' for the exposition and 5' for question time.
- The need of audio/visual support communicated to the Secretariat. We suggest each communicator to come with his own notebook.
- Selected papers should be submitted in full by February 15, 2012 and should not exceed 20.000 characters.
- Quotations should have the following structure:
a) for books:
M. Pakaluk, Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics. An Introduction, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2005, pp. 286-315.
b) for contributions in a collective work of several authors:
J. Watkin, The Idea of Fate in Kierkegaard's Thought, in J. Giles (ed.), Kierkegaard and Freedom, Palgrave, Basingstoke 2000, pp. 105-120.
c) for articles in a journal:
R. Brague, Y a-t-il vraiment deux cultures? «Acta Philosophica», 16 (2007), pp. 285-294. When a work is cited more than once in an article, it should be written as: M. Pakaluk, o.c., p. 291; or, if the title is to be repeated: M. Pakaluk, Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics, cit., p. 291. It is better to avoid "pub." or "publisher", except in those cases in which this word is an integral part of a name.
- Quotations occurring within another quotation should be marked out with a different sign ("text") from that which is used for the quotations within which it is found («text»). Words in languages different from that used in the main text should be written in italics, without quotation marks.