From Ulysses to Don Quijote to Frodo Baggins, literature is full of figures who are, in one sense or another, heading home.

Whether the journey begins in exile, in adventure or in the impersonal world of public life, the ultimate destination is always "home" - a spiritual or physical place where one is never a stranger, where one always belongs, where one discovers one's true identity and roots.

Not only in the Bible but also in secular literature, man's "domestic destination" is often rich with religious and spiritual meaning, provoking such familiar emotions as bliss, security, alienation, homesickness and nostalgia. The rediscovered home - a place that is both the same as ever and somehow never the same - serves as an ideal vantage point from which to reflect upon the story of one's life and one's place in the world.

   The Poetics and Christianity Project is an international forum for studying the intersection of artistic culture and expressions of religious faith, with a special emphasis on narrative and dramatic arts. It offers a meeting place for scholars and artists of diverse fields of expertise.















Pontifical University oh the Holy Cross © 2005 School of Istitutional Social Communication
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