Roma, 27-29 Abril de 2006
V Seminario Profesional de Oficinas de Comunicación de la Iglesia

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.Facultad de Comunicación Institucional


The Millennial Generation and the Catholic Church in the U.S.
Building relationships with the 18-25 year old Catholic that lead to renewed pastoral and sacramental involvement in the Church.

Sean P. Dolan
Director of Communications
Diocese of Rockville Centre
Tel: 516-678-5800, ext. 625

Anecdotally, it appears that overall involvement and participation in the pastoral and spiritual life of the Catholic Church in the U.S. continues its decline with the Millennial generation; those Catholics born between 1977-1994.

Based on statistics, Millennials, also known as Generation Y, are opting out of involvement in the sacramental life of the Church, whether it is a decline in marriages taking place within the Church, a decline in the number of baptisms and then decreasing involvement with the parish school as well as the donation of time, skills and money to the ethical and social causes of the Church. In short, it appears that based on some metrics of participation, the influence of the Catholic Church upon Generation Y is less than previous generations.

While there are myriad factors influencing this generation as it relates to Church involvement, it is my contention that the story isn't as negative as it may appear. While not as widely reported, there are signs of vibrancy and pockets of renewal in the Church. There is a strong and growing segment of Generation Y who have overcome weakness in catechetical training to embrace their faith with fervor. The popularity of the bi-annual World Youth Days and the annual Right-to-Life March in Washington are just two examples of the youthful face and exuberance found in the Catholic Church of the 21st Century. There are many other stories of young Catholics demonstrating strong faith and commitment to the Church in ways that blend the contemporary with the traditional.

This session will provide a profile of the Millennial Catholic in America. It will convey an understanding of what aspects of the Church are being embraced by significant numbers of the younger generation and why. From this understanding, a communication strategy will be presented which will facilitate the Church's evangelization efforts among this cohort of young Catholics, the future leaders of the Church.



Pontificia Universidad de la Santa Cruz © 2005 Facultad de Comunicación Institucional