Roma, 27-29 Abril de 2006
V Seminario Profesional de Oficinas de Comunicación de la Iglesia

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.Facultad de Comunicación Institucional


Three years of the Da Vinci Code

Brian Finnerty
US Media Relations for Opus Dei
Marc Carroggio
Rome Media Relations for Opus Dei

The authors of this paper, who are in charge of media relations for the Opus Dei Prelature in New York and Rome, set out some of the criteria they have followed with respect to the forthcoming film of The Da Vinci Code. The presentation focuses specially on dealing with the media.

The media phenomenon of the DVC is well known: first the book, then the film, mixing reality and fiction, presenting a false and unjust image of the history of the Church, to which it attributes crimes and lies. In particular, it associates Opus Dei with fanatical and criminal actions. The paper summarises the response of Catholics to this phenomenon, and explains the work of communcation carried out by the press office of Opus Dei from 2003 to 2006.

Some circumstances of this case are of special interest for professionals in the field of Church communication: for example, its global reach, as well as its starting point being a work of fiction. It could be considered as a particular case of "crisis communication".

Reference is made in the presentation to the principal objectives of the communications plan, and also the most important means used to inform the different audiences. In the end the authors will present a provisional balance sheet of the achievements and the limitations of these months of information effort, and will put forward some possible conclusions and notes of experience.



Pontificia Universidad de la Santa Cruz © 2005 Facultad de Comunicación Institucional